How Does A Ball Valve Work?
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How Does A Ball Valve Work?

Views: 44     Author: Amy Xiong     Publish Time: 2024-10-12      Origin:

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A ball valve is a shut-off valve that allows, obstructs, and controls the flow of liquids, gases, and vapors in a piping system by rotating the ball having a bore inside the valve. The ball is mounted against two seats and has a shaft that connects it to the operating and control mechanism that rotates the ball.  When the cross-section of the bore is perpendicular to the area of the flow, the fluid is not permitted to pass through the valve.The fluid flows through from the valve, and the fluid flow rate depends on the area of the bore exposed to the flow.

A ball valve is a type of industrial valve that works well due to its simple yet effective design. It consists of a hollow, perforated ball-shaped disc that has a hole in the middle. The ball is positioned within a valve body, which has inlet and outlet ports. When the valve is in the open position, the hole in the ball aligns with the flow path, allowing fluid or gas to pass through. Conversely, when the valve is closed, the ball is rotated so that the hole is perpendicular to the flow path, effectively blocking the passage of fluid or gas. This design offers excellent sealing capabilities, as the ball is pressed against the valve seat by the force of the fluid or gas, ensuring a tight shut-off. The simplicity of the ball valve design, along with its reliable sealing mechanism, makes it a popular choice in various industries for controlling the flow of fluids or gases. But in order to fully understand the ball valve and how it works, warmly welcome to take a visit on WKT IPVF Ball Valves manufacturer.

There are 3 different type of ball valves. These are the Venturi,reduced and full bore. With a full bore ball will have a flow passage going through it that matches the internal diameter of the piping to which it's connected. As a professional manufacturer and problem solver for valves and fittings, feel free to contact us. We offer a broad range of products that cover all categories within the piping industry. Our products are designed for high working pressure, wear resistance, and anti-deformation capabilities.

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