High-Temperature Butterfly Valve


High-Temperature Butterfly Valve

- High-temperature butterfly valves are valves used to control the flow of high-temperature media. They can work stably under extreme temperature conditions.

- These butterfly valves are widely used in pipelines of corrosive media such as metallurgy, electricity, petroleum, chemical industry, air, gas, combustible gas, and water supply and drainage.

High-Temperature Butterfly Valve Collection

High-temperature butterfly valves are equipped with manual gears or supports, utilizing pneumatic and electric actuators. Heat dissipators are installed to protect electric and pneumatic actuators, extending the valve's lifespan. Pipelines with high-temperature butterfly valves can receive control signals for automatic control or blockage. A gap is left between the valve's closed positions to ensure normal operation despite thermal expansion during use.

Product Features:

The high-temperature regulating butterfly valve (1200℃ SO2 sulfur dioxide butterfly valve) is a specially designed high-temperature regulating and control valve.

- The product boasts a reasonable structural design, convenient operation, and reliable usage.

- Operation can be achieved through turbine worm, electric, or pneumatic actuation, meeting the needs of programmatic and remote control.

- The product is widely used in sulfuric acid production via sulfur burning in high-temperature bypass lines, as well as in blast furnace air distribution and boiler piping in metallurgy and petrochemical systems as a control and regulating valve.

- Design and manufacturing standards comply with Q/ZXD 05-2006 "High-Temperature Regulating Butterfly Valve".

Product Characteristics:

1. Cast-lined high-temperature butterfly valve with valve disc and stem made of heat-resistant stainless steel 310ss or 904L, ensuring high strength and wear resistance.

2. A structure with high-temperature radiator brackets allows the valve to perform well under high-temperature conditions.

3. Dust covers reduce dust accumulation, preventing the valve disc from getting stuck, ensuring smooth and flexible operation.

Product Application:

High-temperature butterfly valves capable of reaching temperatures up to 1200°C are widely used in industrial furnaces, RTO regenerative thermal oxidizers, gas and solid waste disposal areas. These valves control different sizes of pipelines with high-temperature media, varying the flow patterns to achieve automation and remote control of industrial processes.

Operation Guide:

1. Pre-installation Iinspection: Before installing a butterfly valve, ensure that service conditions will not exceed the butterfly valve rating to avoid personal injury or property damage.

2. Gear operator stop adjustment: Before installing a butterfly valve, the stops must be set correctly. If a gear operator needs to be added or the stops need to be adjusted, follow the procedures provided by the manufacturer.

3. Operation path of butterfly valve handle: On handle-operated butterfly valves, note the travel of the handle between the open and closed positions to ensure adequate clearance when installing.

4. Operate the butterfly valve to verify: Always operate the butterfly valve to verify that the intended open and closed disc positions are set correctly.

5. Replace the valve seat: Replacing the valve seat is as simple as removing the seat retaining plate, rotating the disc to the closed position, and placing a new seat in the machined groove in the valve body. This procedure is performed without disturbing the disc or stem.

6. Double offset stem and disc design: The double offset design of the VF series high-pressure and high-temperature butterfly valve ensures reduced seat wear and bidirectional bubble sealing throughout the entire pressure range. When the disc initially opens, the offset disc creates a cam-like action that rotates the disc away from the seat with minimal friction. This cam-like action reduces seat wear and eliminates seat deformation when the disc opens. The disc does not contact the seat when the disc rotates beyond the initial opening point. This superior design extends the life of the seat and reduces the operating torque of the butterfly valve.


WKT's high-temperature butterfly valve adopts high-temperature resistant radiator bracket structure and has good performance under high temperature conditions. Welcome to contact us.


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